No, probably not yet resting in peace. What a drag.

In case of my death.

As of July 2nd 2023, no one has access to this repository to change its content, the domain is on autorenewal, the API endpoint is a Cloudflare worker. Therefore, the content here is not gonna change, until someone took over my GitHub account I guess.

My life was nobody's responsibility and there was nothing (more) you could have done to prevent my death; we are all dying afterall. I did not consider my life to be more or less valuable than others'. Even though to you, whoever here reading this, it might be. But if you cared about me, be happy for me. I wanted this.

Celebrate without me.

As of September 4th 2023, nothing has changed. Make sure you really celebrate though. I can't wait. FYI my GitHub account successor is @JupiterC, my sister.

As of June 10th 2024, nothing has changed. This afternoon I had a long chat with a new friend who is studying to be a psychologist, so I thought I would make a update here. I am still so tired and would to rest forever in peace. New friend said he thinks whatever I have seems fixable because of my attitude. I said this attitude is the result from the lack of options. I keep trying. But I would rather to not.